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It has been a while since the last post and because our team is now (almost) complete, we would like to introduce to you the people behind the scenes at INOWAS: Since mid of September 2014 Jana Ringleb is our youngest member in the INOWAS Junior Research Group. Jana is 25 years old and wrote her Master’s […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 23. October 2014 | 14:39 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags:

Welcome to our newest colleague!

On July 21st our INOWAS Junior Research Group got bigger: Aybulat Fatkhutdinov joined our project for the next four years. Aybulat is 26 years old and graduated last October the TU Dresden’s Master course “Hydro Science and Engineering”. Born in Russia, Aybulat is interested in groundwater – surface water interactions, unsaturated zone flow and application of […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 29. July 2014 | 13:30 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags:

Job vacancies at INOWAS

Since the official start of INOWAS project was delayed several times for reasons that go beyond our powers, we lost two important members of our team and had to search for replacement. The job offering campaign that started a while ago seemed to have motived a few dozens of people to show their interest in the […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 16. July 2014 | 8:37 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags:

Dimensioning of the field test site

Before we start with the construction of the experimental unit at our institute in Pirna we decided to model the site in order to find the optimal dimensions and layout of the planned infiltration trench. This will give us the possibility to use several soils and different infiltration methods. The experimental setup will include, apart from […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 15. July 2014 | 18:07 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags:

Double-ring infiltration tests

According to the work assignments in WP 4 (Field infiltrations), the area that was selected for infiltration needs to be characterised in terms of geology, stratigraphy, and hydrogeology. Some of the first tests aimed at the estimation of soil hydraulic parameters such as, for example, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks value). For this, we started this […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 5. July 2014 | 11:21 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags:

First groundwater level measurements

Thomas measures the groundwater piezometric levels

The Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment is located in Pirna, right on the banks of river Elbe, at about 25 km SE of Dresden. A large green area stretching from the main institute building to the right river bank offers an excellent opportunity for hydrogeological applications at test-field scale. The area was used in the […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 2. June 2014 | 16:54 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags:

11th PhD Workshop on Hydrological Modeling

The 11th PhD Workshop on Hydrological Modeling (AG HYDMOD) was held at the University of Kassel between 15 – 17th May, 2014. 25 PhD students from 15 universities in Germany have attended this workshop organized in a casual atmosphere. The aim of the event was to discuss methods and model concepts (i.e. uncertainty of hydrological […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 21. May 2014 | 10:58 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags:

Welcome to our project blog!

Logo BMBF en

Starting with May 1st, 2014, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded with 1,700,000 EUR a new Junior Research Group at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of TU Dresden (project reference number: 01LN1311A). The full name of the project is “Innovative web-based decision support system for water sustainability under a changing climate” but […]

Autor: INOWAS Team | 12. May 2014 | 15:37 Uhr

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