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Job vacancies at INOWAS

Since the official start of INOWAS project was delayed several times for reasons that go beyond our powers, we lost two important members of our team and had to search for replacement. The job offering campaign that started a while ago seemed to have motived a few dozens of people to show their interest in the project and in pursuing their academic carrier at our university. Since the closing date for receiving applications was yesterday, July 15, we started now analysing the bunch of applications that we received over the past days. That will take some time, so that we hope to be able to inform the applicants about the results of our evaluation by the beginning of August. Until then, we are looking very forward to meeting our new colleagues and to fill the gaps in our team.

(Photo © Dana Rothstein |

Autor: INOWAS Team | 16. July 2014 | 8:37 Uhr

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