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Welcome to our project blog!

Starting with May 1st, 2014, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded with 1,700,000 EUR a new Junior Research Group at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of TU Dresden (project reference number: 01LN1311A). The full name of the project is “Innovative web-based decision support system for water sustainability under a changing climate” but from now on, we will simply refer to it as INOWAS.

Being a small but enthusiastic group of young researchers, we would like to make use of various communication channels to disseminate the outcomes of our work. The first step was setting-up an official project website on the TUD servers: On this website we will post the project objectives, short description of our working packages, complete list of publications and some official news relevant to the project. However, we would like to allow you, our visitors, to have a look also “under the hood”, to learn more about us and our daily work. Doing research at academic level is great experience and we want to share everything with you (well, not really everything but you know…) And that’s why this blog was created so please feel free to visit us from time to time. In case you’d like to meet us in person, you can find the address on the right sidebar (free cookies for the first 100 visitors!).

We would like to thank BMBF for the financial support and also to express our gratitude for the support provided by the DLR Project Agency who made this research possible.

Logo BMBF en

Autor: INOWAS Team | 12. May 2014 | 15:37 Uhr

Categories: General | Tags: , , ,

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