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Slavistik in Dresden

Excursion to Wrocław & Krzyżowa

dsc_5677„Wroclaw (partner city of Dresden) is the largest city in Western Poland. At various times in history it has been part of the Kingdom of Poland, Bohemia, Hungary, the Austrian Empire, Prussia, and Germany. It became part of Poland again in 1945, as a result of the border changes after World War II.

Krzyżową is a historically important place in terms of the resistance against the Nazi regime as well as for the “reunification” of Europe. Today we will find a youth community centre and memorial. Discover these two places with us and get to know more about European history with experts from Wroclaw University and TU Dresden.

Sunday, 9 November 2014 will be the anniversary of the Fall of the Wall and we would love to commemorate this anniversary with you in special locations.

When: 7.-9.11.2014 (start Friday afternoon, end Sunday evening)
Who: international and German PhD students, Post-docs and researchers from TU Dresden only
Costs: as this is a co-funded excursion it only costs 60 € including accommodation, all fees, one lunch, one dinner

Registration: Please register via e-mail to: by using the registration form until 15 October 2014. You may pay the fee during opening hours in the Welcome Center (Tue, Wed, Thu 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Wed 1 to 3 p.m., Nürnberger Str. 31a, 01187 Dresden) until 30 October.

Registration form:


Autor: hantschke | 8. Oktober 2014 | 12:12 Uhr

Categories: Allgemein | Tags:
