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American Studies

Save the Date: 4. Werkstatt-Tagung on HBO series ‘Westworld’

werkstatt In its fourth workshop-session on May 19-20, 2017, the interdisciplinary group “weiter sehen” will be focusing on the first episode of Westworld – a series that, although having been produced only in 2016, has already sparked lively debates and gained widespread attention. In looking at and discussing HBO’s most recent remake of the 1973 film of the same name, the upcoming workshop-session aims to bring different disciplines and perspectives together.


What: 4. Werkstatt-Tagung “weiter sehen”: Westworld

When: May 19-20, 2017

Where: Wiener Str. 48 , Room 016

Please register by sending an email to

For more information please refer to the website of the “weiter sehen” group.

Looking forward to seeing you on May 19/20!


Autor: american-studies | 12. April 2017 | 20:22 Uhr

Categories: Allgemein,Events,Quick Overview | Tags:

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