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Interdisciplinary Summer School Social Sciences meet Health Care: "Inclusive Innovation in Health Care"


Interdisciplinary Summer School
Social Sciences Meet Health Care

September 21st-26th 2014 | Dresden, Germany

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences at TU Dresden is pleased to announce the Interdisciplinary Summer School where “Social Sciences meet Health Care”! During the one-week program, this summer school offers a broad range of presentations, workshops, and activities focusing on the subject of “Inclusive Innovations in Health Care”. For this purpose, TU Dresden invites high-potential junior and senior academics to join our international gathering and to push the boundaries in cross-discipline research in social sciences and health care.

During this event, we want to create a network for interdisciplinary researchers in the context of inclusive innovation in health care. Moreover, we aim at stimulating individual research of each participant and develop an intensive knowledge exchange within an elite group in the field of inclusive innovation. As a central outcome of the Interdisciplinary Summer School, a short paper of each participant will be published in the Summer School proceedings.

Please use the navigation on the right side for up-to-date information on the Interdisciplinary Summer School. For further organisational questions concerning this event, please contact

We are looking forward to meeting you in Dresden!

Photos on this page: © TUD/ Klaus Gigga

Autor: SocialSciencesMeetHealthcare | 13. March 2014 | 10:50 Uhr

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